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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Beautiful flowers in the world

Say it with flowers, this expression is never wrong, much less interest has its own beauty in each thread and caps. Below are the most beautiful flowers that successfully established in the top of her beauty.


This flower petals offer not only beauty but also a beautiful piece with a variety of bright colors. Canna Flores This could be the most beautiful flower in Victorian times



This flower is very beautiful. At the time of flowering, the view presented would be amazing. The beautiful colors of this flower is white and pink. Although fall and lie on the ground, the scene presented by this interest will be enormous.

Colorado Columbine

This flower grows in the highlands of the Rocky Mountains at an altitude of 14,000 feet above the ground. These flowers will greet you once you walk through that altitude.


It's beautiful, right? Like a snowball in the fall. The group of stars shaped flowers in pastel colors, showing innocence, and often appeared at the wedding of the hill.

Lily of the Valley

These flowers appear in spring in all four seasons. Flower Lily of the Valley is a source of inspiration for some of the legends, like the Christian legend says that the tears of Mary fell upon the cross of Jesus transformed into this flower. Or a legend that says that this interest comes from the blood of San. George fighting the dragon.

Calla Lily

This beautiful flower lovely and elegant, but make no mistake, this flower was highly toxic and can kill a small child or even a cow if swallowed!

Black Eyed Susan

Perennial flower always appears cheerful. Flowers contrasting with yellow petals and dark center makes it easy to pass.

Bleeding heart

As a small beautiful flower fairy world this is a flower that has always chosen to decorate a garden shaded and cool.

Blue Bells

In the spring, many forests in Europe that suddenly seemed to have a purple carpet, which is none other than this flower. Blue Bells regarded as a symbol of loneliness and regret.


 The flowers are soft pink and yellow petals, are butterfly magnets. This shrub can grow flowers and petals will change according to the age of the plant.


Perhaps the first concern to be known by everyone in the world. Symbol of romantic feeling with the colors and smells fragrant, providing a variety of different meanings for each color of roses that are

Oriental Poppy

This flower is a flower perennial with soft shapes and bright colors dazzle. After growing up in the spring, tops, but once the fall rains come, and petals and re-emerge

Mussaenda erythrophylla (Ashanti Blood, Red Flag Bush, Tropical Dogwood)

This flower is known in the tropics, especially in West Africa to Southeast Asia and Southern China. The flowers are not only beautiful, but also, inevitably invite the bees, butterflies and hummingbirds, even.


Interest was first introduced in England in 1777. And now one of the most popular flowers in the U.S.. Begonia is known not only for their interest, but also for its beautiful leaves.


Also known as West Indian Jasmine, often used in Hindu religious ceremonies in India and Indian traditional medicine. Red flowers with green leaves that provide the basic contrast is beautiful.

Dendrobium is a type of tropical orchids. Once flowering, the flower that is always smooth and perfectly formed, it seems magical to the public.

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