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Saturday, November 12, 2011

How Flower Growing Roses

A rose is a flower that is not alien to most people. This flower is a symbol of religious life and love in human life, so it is widely used in the decoration of the wedding and romantic with your partner on the show.

It has many varieties of roses and a variety of attractive colors. With the growing demand for this flower is going to do a lot of growing roses. Growing roses can be done by anyone who is diligent critic and lover of the flower plants. The culture may be done by just a hobby or for agribusiness. The next steps in growing roses:

   1. The preparation of the seeds. Seedlings of roses can be obtained in several ways, such as cuttings, grafting, grafting and planting seeds. For beginners who are learning and want quick results without having to wait for a long time also can be purchased at a nursery in pink plastic bags half a year old. Seed selection is crucial that the roses are produced later.
   2. Land preparation and planting medium. Preparation is done to make holes in the earth that has been provided, which made a hole about 15 cm in diameter and has a depth of about 35 cm. Then plant the seeds that have been prepared on the ground. Finish planting seedlings, newly planted seeds that had been given water until very wet.
   3. Caring for roses. The treatment in this interest are:
    * Weeding of wild grasses and weeds that grow around the roses.
    * Fertilization, fertilization routinely done for 3-4 months with a dose according to growing conditions. Fertilization can give as much as 5 grams of NPK fertilizer / crop.
    * Irrigation, irrigation is very important, especially during the growth phase. Irrigation is at least 1 time a day and do the most good in the morning and late afternoon when the air temperature is not too hot for the evaporation of water from a small field.
    * Trim, this was done in order to obtain a solid stem, the plant produces new shoots youth in ways that increase productivity, rejuvenating plants and keep the plants are always in good health.

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