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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Procedures For The Care Of Ornamental Plants

Some types of plant cuttings that the boat

Make cuttings of several plants in pots is easy, and education is too expensive and can be done by many people. For best results, be sure to start this work with vermiculite new and clean and a new pot. The use of boat used to be a source of disease to plants.

Here are some of the materials needed are:
1. diameter plastic pots measuring 6 or 7 inches, the hole diameter of 2.5 inches of clay, vermiculite or thick paper size of the construction (paper towels) and a small cork.
2. Base Lapiskan plastic pot with paper. This is done to prevent the vermiculite of water discharge holes in the bottom of the boat.

3. Pour vermiculite in plastic pots until the upper limit of the pot.

4. Put a cork in the hole under a clay pot.

5. Enter an earthen pot in the center of the plastic pot that already contain vemikulit.

6. Adding water to the vermiculite.

7. Include water in a clay pot. The clay is porous and water will seep through the center of the boat in the vermiculite. After the vermiculite shortage of water, quickly replaced by water in a clay pot. Be sure to week to keep the water in clay pots filled yet. The vermiculite containing the water is very good for root growth.

8. Pots ready for use

Kebanyaknya crops planted in the house grows in the branching pattern with the main stem full of leaves. Find a growing point and young leaves are cut about 3 or 4 inch end.
Cut about 1.5 inches below the node, the area where the petiole meets the main stem. Node is the active cell to divide tumbuhan.yang plant.
Enter the node that has been cut in the vermiculite. New roots are formed from this axis.
Sometimes you have to pull the leaves of the lower node to insert into the vermiculite. The leaves will rot if the leaves are implanted into the vermiculite.

To beautify and cozy atmosphere of a house, many people use as an ornamental plant or someone more familiar with the title of ornamental plants. Ornamental plants can be placed in the room (inside) or outside (open air), the difference in the location of this plant, we can also choose to tailor ornamental plants are suitable for planting indoor plants and outdoors.
As a guide for selecting plants to be placed in the room, choose ornamental plants that are resistant to lack of sunlight, and vice versa for plants grown outdoors or choose our plants need water or if you need enough radiation .

Planting ornamental plants can usually be done in two ways the plants are planted directly in the page that is also grown in pots. This method of planting will certainly have weaknesses and strengths of each.
For ornamental plants are grown directly on the page will be easier to treat compared with plants grown in pots, and for the risk that we can still make use of rainwater, when we are lazy to do the watering. Another advantage of plants that are planted in the garden, in the use of fertilizers can utilize the nutrients in the soil.

Potted plants are more flexible in the agreement or arrangement, the strong nuclear force is not necessary, so that women are the same as these plants can do so easily.
Potted plants are generally used merely to decorate the environment, although there are many other ornamental plants, which can also be useful for drugs or vegetables.
Potted plants with almost all circles, ranging from homemakers, from hobbies and collectors. Potted plants have advantages and disadvantages. The definition of the advantages is that it can be used as pengindah page, space and function of the mental health of children, especially for potted plants with flowers of red, yellow, green, white, and there is a particular interest of the leaves. This will increase the excitement of children playing.

indoor plants and outdoor should not be allowed when the rainy season, because the consequences could be fatal. There is a form of special treatment for both. The rainy season is the season for the fans should take care of indoor plants and outdoor. Why? To harvest the rainy season can quickly from the dead. This is due to wet conditions caused the rainy season.

What is clear micro moisture around the plants that grow taller. As a result, susceptible crops invaded by fungi and bacteria. Caring for plants during the rainy season?
During the rainy season, the plants should be pruned frequently. Leaf pruning is used to reduce moisture in the plant maikro. As the leaves what to cut? The leaves should be cut is the cause of excess moisture around the plant stem.

Most types of potted plants should have a process of cutting blade. The leaves are young leaves are cut or milk leads to growing plants. Due to the high humidity can cause plants, shoots should be cut only. The buds on the plants seldom Sun for the process to change quickly. Moreover, if rain is not routine. then, the function of the Dolomites is to stabilize the pH of soil for the roots remain readily absorb nutrients.

Give dolomite is very easy. For plants that are in the pot diameter of 40 s / d 50 cm, providing enough stored Dolomite 5 tablespoons way around the earth. The most appropriate choice at the beginning of the rainy season. With dolomite, the leaves of plants protected from decay. Decaying leaves marked with dry colors yellow and brown.

This medium has its advantages can retain water and its pH is not easy to lose.
When it rains the media should be reduced slightly. Examples of cases in a pot of orchids. If coal is used media, then the amount of charcoal should be reduced when wet. When the roots of orchids has not convolute charcoal, coal should be taken. This is to prevent the decomposition of roots and stems of orchids. New in the dry season, coal can be added again. This is the difference between taking care of the rainy season of indoor plants in place of the mediation of the earth.

The third way is to provide NPK fertilizer. Fertilizer is very easy to use. The trick is planted in the planting medium about 15 cm from the plant stems. When exposed to rain, the fertilizer will dissolve in the soil itself. If the administration took place during the dry season, the fertilizer must be dissolved in water first, then poured around the roots.
The fourth way is spraying fungicides. Spraying fungicides can be mixed with insecticides.

To avoid spraying in vain, see the weather conditions first. When the rain today and tomorrow is not the best material for the next era of the second spraying. Or if this bright morning, the materials can be sprayed. These medications will dry and protected from plant within 2-3 hours after spraying.

Spraying is best done 2 times a week. Effective spraying done in the morning and afternoon. Morning between 06.00 to 08.00. Because the morning was more active stomata open and insects that attack right on target. Try using a small spray and spray on the lower leaf surface as it is a nest of vermin.

The fifth way is to do the weeding and tilling the land. Outdoor plants using soil media should digemburkan. This serves to improve the physical properties of the soil, especially to improve porosity.

The sixth form is to place the pot was higher off the ground. Its function is to avoid puddles. Some of the city or area in your home, no doubt will be flooded or partially flooded. The pots will cause stagnant soil is always moist, this is very bad for the roots due to putrefaction. The easiest way is to place the pot on a pillar or a shelf. (Agrobis)

Ornamental plants can be treated in a good way, where there is a right way to take care of these plants are not damaged or affected by pests.

The following shows how to take care of ornamental plants:
A. Is the irrigation
Watering can be done 2 times a day when the weather is hot or a dependent of the media who use the profits, while still wet, watering done exactly 1 time a day or 2 days.

2. Fertilizer Supply
Fertilization was done routinely balanced use of NPK (16-16-16) at a dose of 2 grams per liter of water (half teaspoon), fertilizer dissolved in water and splashed ketanaman (no leaves) every 2 weeks. Fertilization is done with a circle around the edge of the plant. If possible, have encouraged the leaves once a week with a dose of 1 gram per liter of water (1/2 teaspoon to a quart of water).

3. Storage method
Anthurium as the shade or in or on the porch, and just need a little light. And if the plants need more light then put the plants in your backyard.

4. Replace Pot and Media
Means fit the size of the plants parts. The media can be derived from a mixture of straw and manure (2:1) or use chopped fern

5. Grow or multiply
It can be done by seed. Or the easiest way is to plant the cuttings in the stems of plants.

Appearance of the plant athurium first has always been the desire of each owner. For a constant anthurium, the first, exclusive and magnificent, and the eye catching, clear care is the key factor.

A. Irrigation:
Irrigation plays a critical role in ensuring the healthy growth of anthurium. However, it is always advisable, irrigation should not be exaggerated. Water should not be stagnant, or the media to tarnish. In summary, anthurium watering only serves to maintain the humidity of the media.

The ideal watering is done once a day, morning before 10.00 or afternoon after 17:00 hours to avoid evaporation. In the dry season, or when extremely high temperatures and humidity also increases, the irrigation schedule should be done 2-3 times a day. If the media is still wet, it is not necessary to water. Watering too often causes plants to rot and lead to the onset of the disease.

Try to use water that is clean and protected from contamination. Watering can be done with a sprayer to the means they use the profits, not on the leaves to keep the leaves do not break.

B. Fertilization:
Basal fertilizer NPK for Anthurium. In the market today available NPK in slow release form as Dekastar or Osmocote. By using this fertilizer, fertilizer sufficient to six months. NPK fertilizer is given by way of propagation around the foliage of the plant. Number, follow the instructions on the package.
Type of fertilizer is to be adapted to the conditions and growth phase in young plants, use a fertilizer containing N (nitrogen) high to encourage vegetative growth.
By the time the plant has reached the generative phase, can be given fertilizer containing P (phosphorus) and K (potassium) is high in order to stimulate emergence of interest.
In addition to NPK fertilizer base, should also be given manure or litter at least once a year. The manure used must be sterile. For leaves of anthurium, many people add a dash of compost, as Gandasil Atonik or by the rules. Compost called because it involves not only NPK, but also there is an additional element.

C. Placement:
Anthurium should be placed in semi-shade. Rather, the location of the light intensity between 30-40%. For example, on the porch, the patio under the shade trees, or in a room near the window.
If placed in the home, you should be placed near a window or sunlight. Anthurium is placed in the home should be issued periodically. At least 3 days for a full day. Because the plant is within bnerada too long, they tend to make the leaves pale. If the room has air conditioning, the leaves turn green dry and dull.

If placed outdoors, use shade cloth, having a thickness of 60%, allowing only 40% of incoming light. Do not be too dark or shade. This can make the physical growth of affected plants. For example, anthurium leaf stems must be a short stem, become elongated, rounded sheets which should be identified, and many other changes. May you always have to remember, lest we direct sunlight anthurium, anthurium leaves can burn (necrosis) and has destroyed the beauty of beautiful anthurium plants, as leafy green.

D. Foliar treatment:
Anthurium leaf is part of the more special. If the leaves of anthurium dusty dirty or torn, ketistimewaannya levels itself will fall.
To keep our anthurium leaves are always beautiful and lovely, of course, we have to protect it from dirt or dust. If deemed necessary, should be cleaned with a damp cloth or a damp cloth every day. Was it to keep the leaves of anthurium that we believe are not broken, burned or solar plants anthurium must put in place that we think is the safest in both traffic and direct sunlight.

E. Sanitation:
What is meant here is the cleaning of sanitation including environmental health, culture media and tools. It should be remembered that environmental conditions and bad weather, especially in the rainy season often lead to the emergence of various types of diseases such as bacteria or fungi.
Sterile culture media is always recommended. The goal, and to prevent mildew.

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