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Monday, October 31, 2011


The characteristics of botany

The members of these tribes tend to have a succulent organs or "meaty" thick with high water content. So you can live in conditions of low water availability. Water is obtained from the rain, drops, dew, moisture in the air. However, orchids are not found in desert regions, because the roots are not intensive. Orchids as sunlight but not direct light, so that usually found in nature as plant or under the auspices of the jungle. As ornamental plants, orchids are in the room.

Root fibers, not inside. The types of succulent epiphytes root development and attached to the trunk where the tree grows, but does not harm the host tree. Geofitis There is also increasing, with other terms means terrestris growing in soil with roots in the soil. There is also a saprophyte, growing on the leaves of the media and the rotten wood that has been broken down into humus. On the surface of the root are often root fungi (mycorrhiza) are symbiotic with orchids.

Jointed stems of orchids. The orchids that live in the soil ("orchids") short stems and tend to look like light bulbs. Meanwhile, epiphytic orchids grow on the trunk and often thick and covered by a layer of wax to prevent excessive evaporation. The growth of the stem can be "stretched" (monopodial) or "range" (sympodial), depending on gender.

Orchid leaves are generally oval, elongated leaves the bone anyway, typical monocot leaf. Leaves can also be thick and serves as a place to store water.

Typical of the orchid-shaped flowers and a penciri that distinguishes it from other members of the tribe. Orchid flowers arranged compound arises from the elongated flower stems, leaves out of the armpit. The flowers are bilaterally symmetrical. Strands of flower petals (sepals) is usually colored like the petals (called tepals). One of the chains of the modified petals form a kind of "language" that protects a structure that bears the stamens and pistil. Stamens have very short stems, with two small disk-shaped, the anthers (called "polynyas") and is protected by a small structure that must be opened by pollinating insects (humans or vanilla) and carry pollen the pistil of the mouth. Without the help of agencies pollinators, pollination will not occur.

The fruit of orchids in capsule form, which is green when ripe and dry and free from the side. The seeds are small and light, so easy in the wind. Seeds of orchids do not have a network of stockpiles of food and even the embryo has not yet reached perfect maturity. Germination occurs again when the seeds fall in the corresponding medium and continue their development to maturity.

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