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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Benefits of Aloe Vera for Health

Talk about herbal medicine is very easy because we are considering our own neighborhood, the benefits of Aloe Vera is good for face, hair and health.

Benefits of Aloe Vera

1. Overcoming skin inflammation

Inflammation of the skin often appear, such as X-rays are produced when the surgery to sunlight for too long or injuries caused by falls. Many experts who are based in the liquid (gel) extracted from the leaves of aloe vera meat to deal with complaints or problems.
2. Skin care

Aloe vera can also moisturize the skin. Efficacy has been known since the time of Cleopatra. No wonder that nearly 70% of cosmetic products because it is the essence of aloe vera gel. Aloe vera lignin substances are thought to enter at once absorbed by the skin as well as bear the loss of fluid from the skin surface. Therefore, the skin will not dry quickly while moisture is maintained.

Aloe Vera is another benefit that

- The treatment of intestinal injury

This is because food intake is not controlled or eat very often "hard" too stimulating gastric acid. The consumption of aloe vera is believed to heal the wounds of the intestine because they contain a substance saponin is able to clean the intestines as well as antiseptics. Anthraquinone compounds function as antibiotics and other substances for the function or play the role of epithelialization of the skin tissue to stimulate growth of new cells.

- Treatment of a routine

Who would have thought that aloe vera was able to overcome a variety of routine illnesses in children and adults, including fever, stomach pain, constipation, hemorrhoids, ulcers, cough, sore throat, mouth sores, insect bites and eliminate pimples and black spots on the face of erosion.

- Helps the body's metabolism and cell regeneration

Enzyme content of cellulose, amylose, protein and biogenic simulator is an active agent can help your metabolism and stimulate growth and regeneration of skin cells.

- Hair Fertilizer

Mixing: 2 stalk of aloe vera are washed and peeled. The content is rubbed on the scalp that had been washed in the afternoon. Wrap in a cloth. The next day, the hair is rinsed. Do it every day for 3 months.

- Reduce the levels of blood sugar

How to mix: 1 large branch of aloe vera (about the size of the palm) is cleaned with the peeling of the skin and bones. Soak 30 minutes in salted water. Squeeze a while and then rinse with tap water (tap water). Boil 3 cups water to boil. Cool. Drink as much as 1 / 2 cups, 2 to 3 times a day.

Content of the substance in Aloe Vera and Vitamin]

The content found in a lot of Aloe Vera Aloe Vera include storage was important substances such as vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B21, C, E, choline, inositol and folic acid. The mineral content is calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron, zinc and chromium. The content of enzymes, including amylase, catalase, cellulose, carboxypeptidase, and brandykinase carboxyhelolase are very important for the metabolism of the body. Aloe vera is also found to contain various amino acids, ie, arginine, asparagine, asparatic acid, analine, serine, valine, glutamic acid, threonine, glycine, lycine, yrozine, histidine, proline, leucine, and isoliucine.

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